Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 187- Luzyana

It’s time for Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. There’s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

Thanks to NaNoWriMo, I’m making great progress on Sword of Destiny. A very pregnant Queen Luzyana is unhappy that her husband, King Arryk, is negotiating with Carina while she’s a prisoner. The queen would prefer complete military victory and is thinking of a way to sabotage negotiations. Carina can’t come to her, since the king’s guards won’t let her out.

“Very well,” Luzyana said, carefully shifting her bulk so her feet touched the floor, “I’ll see her myself.” It would be a bit of a climb, but she could use the exercise. And once she stood in front of the king’s guards, it would be easy enough to intimidate them.

“But Your Highness,” a lady-in-waiting protested, “There are many stairs, and in your condition …” she trailed off, clearly embarrassed. One of the shortcomings of the Maladene nobility was its aversion to discussing any sort of natural bodily function, as if the gods somehow hadn’t created those along with everything else.

“Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t climb stairs.” Luzyana heaved herself to her feet, defiantly brushing aside the lady attempting to help her. “I do it every day.” It was true; she went down and back up the stairs to the great hall for every meal. She reckoned the stairs to Carina’s tower room were only two or three times that many.



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23 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 187- Luzyana

  1. I can relate to her not wanting to admit she can’t do everything she used to. I wonder if she’ll make it.

  2. Clearly a very determined lady! I expect the stairs down to see Carina will be no problem but her courtiers might have to carry her back up! Enjoyed the excerpt, can’t wait to see what happens next…

  3. She’s very determined not to appear vulnerable, even to her lady-in-waiting. I hope she’s careful on all those stairs.

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