Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 182- Anton

It’s time for Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. There’s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

I’m having trouble getting to the end of Sword of Destiny. I need some drama to build up to the end, and it’s all falling flat. I’m just undramatic right now, I guess. Maybe it’s because I’m having minor surgery Monday and I’m feeling distracted. It’s my third time having sinus polyps removed, so hoping this time’s a charm! Anton is also  a bit averse to drama right now as he leads his troops through a dark, rainy forest, hoping to cut off his opponent. Colonel Henning leads Anton’s artillery and has become a buddy. He knows the way because he traveled around the country as a young man.

“We have no way of knowing if the folk around here are friendly,” Anton told an infantry sergeant as he walked alongside him, “so keep your ears and eyes open.”

The sergeant nodded, then asked, “How long will we be in these woods?”

“The better part of two days, Colonel Henning says.”

“We can survive that long, I’m sure,” the sergeant said, his anxious eyes belying his confident words.

“We will,” Anton said, with what he hoped was a firm scowl. It was raining harder now and morale often flagged in these conditions. He wondered where they’d camp and asked Henning when he reached him again, riding just behind the vanguard.

“There’s a tiny village some ten leagues ahead,” Henning said. “We ought to reach it before nightfall. When I stopped there years ago the people were very friendly; they’re not used to strangers and it’s exciting when they see some.”

“It’s one thing to welcome a couple of strangers,” Anton said, shaking his head. “They might not be so excited about several thousand soldiers.”

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14 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 182- Anton

  1. Wow, that’s a huge woods!!! And what a contrast – tiny village and 1000 soldiers – yikes! Maybe some drama will arise there for you. Best wishes on the minor surgery! Enjoyed the snippet…

  2. I think things will pick up quite nicely . . . after surgery. This scene will keep the tension going until your drama has ended. Good luck! Third time . . .

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