Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 163- Carina

Itโ€™s time forย Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. Thereโ€™s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

I’m finally back to working on Shield of Kings. It’s the first book in a trilogy that is a kind of sequel to my first series. Very loosely based on the English Civil War, it features a few characters from the first series and a lot of new ones too. I hope to get it out in the next month or so. I posted a few snippets from this ages ago, so I’ll pick up where I left off.

Carina is a former soldier who’s retired from the military to be a wife and mother. While her husband is away, she gets caught up in a rebellion against the king. She’s uncomfortable in a leadership role, sure her husband is the perfect person to lead the rebellion. He’s finally back, and she’s waiting for him to disembark from his ship.

She reached the dock just as the mail was coming off the ship, the packages loaded onto a wagon and letter pouches handed off to waiting messengers. If Tor wasnโ€™t on this ship, one of them might be for her.

Carina took up a spot at the end of the gangplank and tried to resume a dignified position. It didnโ€™t last, because she saw him, one of the first people coming off, his servants behind him, carrying bags and a large chest. She wanted to jump up and down and shout, but somehow restrained herself. Heโ€™d see her soon enough; for now, she just enjoyed the view.

Tor Felsing had caught her eye about five years before, during the war in Kronland. Tall, with wavy blond hair, broad shoulders and a craggy face, heโ€™d made Carina smile the first time she saw him. Heโ€™d smiled at her too, his tanned face creasing, crinkles forming around his bright blue eyes. He outranked her and was a good ten years older, but he was perfect for her and both of them knew it right away.

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22 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 163- Carina

  1. Charming. I feel the heat, Christina. Beautifully told…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Best always from Charmaine.

  2. Enjoyed the snippet, very smooth writing and great scene-setting as always with your books! I kind of agree with Ed LOL, all those publisher names took me out of the story momentarily. Carina Press published my first two books so I really went off on a tangent when I read your heroine’s name ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Such a touching scene. You made me feel her excitement at seeing him. Having to control herself must be hard. Dense me, I never thought of the publishers until Ed mentioned them.

  4. Wonderfully emotional and descriptive, Christina. But such happy contentment at the beginning of a book always makes me nervous. Say it ain’t so!

    • I used a completely different set of beta readers for this one- only folks who hadnโ€™t read any of my other books. Iโ€™ll try to have it out in the next month or so!

  5. Lovely snippet, I can feel her excitement – but it seems i wasn’t the only one who felt a bit of foreboding that all might not be as she expects – hope I’m wrong.

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