Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 157- Maryna

It’s time for Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. There’s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

Blood of the Empire is done! That is, I have a reasonably coherent, first reader-approved draft. It should be in shape for beta readers shortly. I don’t think I’ve had so much trouble with a book since the first one. So it’s a huge relief to have it, and the series, completed. At least I finally know what happens- one of the great joys of pantsing. 🙂

Maryna is awaiting Natalya’s arrival. She’s come bearing Kendryk’s body, and some strange ideas of what to do with it.

“There you are,” Natalya said, taking Maryna into her arms, “I’m so glad to be here, finally.”

Maryna found it hard to smile much these days, but right now, she couldn’t stop grinning. Both her mother and Edric looked happy too. It was nice to be surrounded by friends.

“Why don’t we all meet in my study,” Edric said, then turned to Natalya. “I’m sure you’re tired, but we’re anxious to hear what you’ve been doing. And we must discuss …” he trailed off with a meaningful glance toward the open door, and Maryna realized her father’s body must be just outside.

“Of course,” Natalya didn’t look the least bit tired, though she had to have traveled fast to be here already. “Perhaps we can have the casket sent to the temple while we make the arrangements?” She said this last with a curious lilt, as though there would be anything besides the normal.


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31 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 157- Maryna

  1. Oh, I think the temple is a great place for the casket. The idea of it being so close to them gives me the willies.

  2. You convey so much in the in the second paragraph, both about her emotional state and her relationship to her relationships to the other characters. Well done! And congrats on passing a major hurdle in your writing!

  3. Congrats on finishing! I’m more of a plotter myself, but sometime I’m even wondering how it will end(well, other than the happy ever after, since I do wrote Romance *g*)
    Great snippet. I’m wondering what might happen next.

  4. Ooooh! So this case his going to be Abby-normal! I wonder what’s up with Dad to get special treatment. Congrats on the completed book. Oh what a feeling!

  5. Congrats on finishing – I know what you mean by ‘pantsing’ – it’s so exciting finding out what the characters end up doing – I always know how the story will end, but often my characters have their own ideas of how they’ll get there! Such an intriguing snippet, and the last paragraph is quite poignant!

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