Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 115- Sonya

It’s time for Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. There’s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

Hey everyone! It’s great to be back. Hope all of your holidays were wonderful. Ours were … interesting. We spent Christmas day attempting to dig the truck out of a massive Idaho snowdrift, so that wasn’t fun. We finally arrived in Oregon on the 27th and ended up staying until the 5th, when we got stuck again while trying to leave. We did get to spend loads of time with my whole family, which was great. Not so great was the literal snowstorm of the century and needing surgery for one of our kitties. He had to have a toe amputated and serious dental work done. But now kitty is recovering and we’re on our way south, to hopefully warmer climes. All of this has been hard on my writing schedule, but I’m getting back into it slowly.

Today’s snippet is from my latest release, The Forsaken Crown– 99 cents for another week or so. Lieutenant Sonya Vidmar is traveling with a large army and there have been rumors of the Archduchess Teodora putting down rebellions in the area. While Sonya is scouting ahead, she runs into another army’s scouts. Edited from the published version

A man wearing a broad black hat with a feather drew a little nearer. Sonya wondered how he kept it on his head in the wind.

“Are you Orician cavalry?” he called across the gap. It seemed their red coats and black hats were unmistakable.

“We are,” Sonya called back, “who are you?”

“Second Imperial Cuirassiers, serving under the Archduchess Teodora Inferrara herself.”

“We’re with General Count Faris, recently operating in Sanova,” Sonya said, shoving her pistol back in her belt when the man did the same.

“Friendly then.” By now the man had drawn near and was smiling, white teeth flashing in a broad, sun-browned face. “Captain Andrei Danko, at your service,” he said, bowing over his saddle and sweeping the hat off.

It’s also time for the monthly multi-author promo. Click on the banner below to take your pick of over 100 99-cent books


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36 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 115- Sonya

  1. People who are armed are usually quite friendly when they greet each other. Lol.

    I used to live in Idaho, and I remember going to visit family in California over the holidays–and coming home to a ton snow late at night, having to leave the car and hike 1/4 mile uphill in the dark in knee deep snow to our house.

    Good times…

  2. Nice, crisp exchange and set up. Very visual with few words. How life settles down and warms up for you, Christina!!

  3. Hard to believe anyone working for Teodora is truly friendly! But he cuts a nice figure, for sure. I really enjoyed this story, Christina. I hope to see Sonja again some day.

    • Well, Braeden used to work for Teodora, though it didn’t end well … I’ve already had so many request for more Sonya that I’m currently shoe-horning her into Boo Five. 🙂

  4. I hope she doesn’t have cause to whisk the pistol out again!

    The snow sounds pretty awesome. It’s been many years since we have had heavy snow like that in my part of the world.

    • No pistols, for a few minutes at least. 🙂 I actually love snow, but am getting sick of driving around in it all the time and getting stuck. Otherwise, it’s great. 🙂

  5. Nice snippet! A bit of tension as they called their loyalties out. Glad you were able to spend the holidays with family, despite all that snow! Congrats on your release…here’s to many sales.

  6. Oh my, Christina! I’m sorry you had troubles–but glad it all worked out for you! No place like home at the holidays.

    I despise Teodora. Can hardly wait to see her get hers. 🙂

    I have no post up this week.

    Many blessings in 2017!

  7. I too have wondered how people with big hats keep them on their heads on a windy day.
    Glad there were no serious issues with the snow and you’ve gone to warmer climes. Hope kitty is with you – easier to heal in the warmth.

  8. Wow, you do have the adventures with the truck and the driving and the weather! Glad it all turned out ok though. Enjoyed the excerpt – a nice peaceful moment for the characters.

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