Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 109- Gwynneth

wewriwa2It’s time for Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. There’s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

From Winter of the Wolf: After surviving an assassination attempt, Gwynneth and her younger children have been hiding out in a remote hunting lodge, surrounded by guards. But since her oldest son Devyn ran off to join Braeden, his six-year-old sister Stella has been trying to escape and join him. When Gwynneth can’t find her, she calls for the captain of the guard who finds two men have deserted their posts behind the lodge.

When the captain shouted, they came out of a nearby thicket, shame-faced and smelling of liquor.

“Where did you get it?” The captain’s dour face was a picture of rage.

“The little girl gave it to us.”

Gwynneth gasped and wanted to protest, then remembered that one of Stella’s favorite hiding places was in the bottom of the cabinet holding the good brandy. Gwynneth had resorted to a few tipples late at night when boredom and despair threatened to crush her.

“And you took it? Why did you leave your post?” the captain demanded.

The two looked at each other and shrugged, then the less embarrassed one said, “Didn’t seem right to drink in front of a duchess. Especially a little one.”

It’s bad enough to  have a little girl running around alone in the woods, but even worse, the assassin is still out there.


When all hope is lost, who will raise the banner of light?

War grinds on, spreading its shadow over all the land. In the wake of his overwhelming victory, King Lennart marches on the Empress Teodora, helpless and undefended in her capital.

Though battered, Teodora is far from defeated, setting in motion a new plot which threatens to annihilate all of Lennart’s allies.

Unaware of the peril about to overtake him, Kendryk is torn between duty to his family and to his cause.  While he struggles to recover from his loss, Anton joins Kendryk in his quest, but will be sent down another, more dangerous path.

Gwynneth survived an attack by Teodora’s most unrelenting assassin, but she will soon face a test that threatens to destroy her.

Maryna, the heir to Terragand, travels to faraway lands hoping to provoke a confrontation with Teodora, but her journey takes an unexpectedly deadly turn.

Her ambitions magnified at the prospect of her mother’s downfall, Elektra must decide if she’s willing to pay the price needed to fulfill her destiny.

And even as Braeden triumphs over an enemy who has long threatened him, his next steps take him down a path that will lead to tragedy.

Faith and friendship are tested, alliances shattered, and a new generation rises in Winter of the Wolf, book four in the Desolate Empire series, coming November 18.

Early review copies go out on Monday. Sign up here if you want to join my early review team and be the first to read!


Another great Sci-fi/Fantasy promo this weekend. Click on the image to browse over 100 99-cent books.


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34 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 109- Gwynneth

  1. Oh my gosh, I hope those two are punished. And I hope they find Stella. That’s got to be scary! Fab snippet! 🙂

  2. I don’t think that excuse is going to keep them out of trouble. They may have more than just a hangover tomorrow. Tweeted.

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