Who’s Doing Camp NaNoWriMo?


I am! After waiting until the last minute in April, I ended up in a randomly – assigned cabin that turned out to be a dud. Only one other person got any significant writing done. So, this time, when one of my writing buddies set up a cabin in early June, I was in like a shot. There are still three spaces left, so if you’re interested, let me know your username and I’ll have an invite sent to you. One caveat: you must be serious about reaching your goal. Last July, everyone in our cabin met their goal and we want to do it again.

Fortunately, CampNaNoWriMo is a little more flexible than the main event in November. You can choose your goal ( I think you can go as low as 5,000) and have until around the 20th to adjust it if things aren’t going as planned.

June was a mess for me, productivity-wise. I thought I’d write a novella starring Teodora, for reasons I can no longer comprehend. The first thing I learned was that I felt terribly constrained with only one POV character. How do people do that? The other thing was that I couldn’t find any way to make Teodora sympathetic. I mean, I realize she doesn’t have to be nice, but there has to be something to like about her. Alas, in the story I’d conceived I could find no such thing. If I want to find something good about her, I’ll probably have to go back to her teenage years, though I’ll bet she was the ultimate mean girl then, too.

So after wasting too much time on that, I thought I’d get back into Winter of the Wolf, which is really calling to me. But there was a problem with that too. I’ve gotten to the point in the story where I absolutely must kill one of my favorite characters, so rather than just write it, I sank into a deepish depression. It didn’t help that I pretty much hate summer if I can’t be a child during it, so I used a heat rash and allergies as excuses for not writing.

However, while not writing, I did figure out a way to kill my character that ought to be shocking, tragic and thrilling all at the same time. I hope. So now I’ve worked that out, I’m pretty anxious to get back to writing. I’ve spent the last few days clearing the decks, administratively, so July should be pretty wide-open for just writing.

Hope you can join me!

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11 Comments on “Who’s Doing Camp NaNoWriMo?

  1. I’m pretty nervous about “I did figure out a way to kill my character that ought to be shocking, tragic and thrilling all at the same time”! But to answer your original question, I’m doing Camp NaNo! My word count goal is 10,000.

  2. I am. Adding more to the already massive story I’ve been writing since before last November. 15k like last time. I won then; I should this time, too. Seeing that little meter climbing seems to kick my muse into gear.

    I admit, I never really paid much attention to my last cabin, but I don’t think many of them reached their goals.

    • Awesome! I always seem to get so much writing done during these events, and they usually give me momentum through the next few months too.

  3. You know, I think I might like to try this with the Seeker. I’ve been kind of waiting around for inspiration with each card, but I’m really at the end of the part of her journey that is actually basically mine, so have no clue where to go with the next cards. Being a bit pressured to move it along a little faster might get some momentum going. Can you send me any other details I need to know? (In the meantime I’ll be looking for a little black, bohemian-style dress for the funeral! 😀 )

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