Kate M. Colby Reviews Valley of the Shadow

Another great review from fellow blogger and indie author Kate M. Colby!

Overall, I enjoyed Valley of the Shadow just as much, if not more, than Rise of the Storm. The pace is quick, without being neck-snapping, the characters are complex and appropriately lovable or hate-able, and the conclusion wraps up enough plot lines to be satisfying, but leaves enough open to have the reader anxious for the next book. As always, Ochs’s writing style is eloquent enough to captivate the reader, but straight-forward enough as to not get in the way of the story. Her world is detailed and only becomes more interesting as she reveals more of it to the reader.

For those of you on the fence about reading Rise of the Storm or Valley of the Shadow, I’ll leave you with this final thought: This series is Game of Thrones without the literal magic (so far) and with tasteful fade-to-black that keeps it appropriate for all ages. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys fantasy, action, medieval-style tales, and good old-fashioned sword fighting.

Read the rest here

Click the pic to buy Valley of the Shadow. The print version is currently being discounted almost $5 by Amazon!

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