Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 52- Gwynneth

weekend writing warriorsIt’s time for Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. There’s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

I’m finally back after missing an unprecedented two weeks. Recovering from surgery was most unpleasant, but I pulled myself together just in time for my parent’s 50th anniversary party last weekend. A great time was had by all, and life is finally back to normal again.

I’ve decided to start skipping ahead through Rise of the Storm, so I can wrap it up and get you properly into Valley of the Shadow. Gwynneth and Kendryk have returned to Terragand after rescuing Father Landrus. While he continues translating the Holy Scrolls, Kendryk gets to work raising and training his militia, just in case Teodora gets a chance to retaliate. Things look grim for her right now, but she has a tendency to bounce back, so it’s best to be ready.

Gwynneth receives a letter from another princess, complaining that a certain Arian Orland has been terrorizing her citizenry in Kendryk’s name. Of course Kendryk hasn’t authorized this and all Gwynneth knows is that Arian is the son of a Terragand duke. But Kendryk remembers him, and I’m thrilled that I finally get to introduce one of my favorite characters.Originally, Arian was one of my POV characters, but his fascinating backstory was too long, so he got axed. He is so much fun to write and carries a big part of the action in Valley of the Shadow, so it’s definitely time for an introduction.

“I remember Arian Orland,” Kendryk said, frowning “He was a few years older than me, and a friend of my brother’s. By the time I came back from Galladium, he’d already gone soldiering. There was some kind of trouble with a girl so his father sent him away.”

“So he might be a troublemaker,” Gwynneth said, still trying to put the pieces together.

“He was then,” Kendryk said. “He was always getting my brother into scrapes and was a terrible bully. I stayed away from him. But that was long ago; perhaps he’s changed.”

“Fighting for a living rarely changes a personality for the better,” Count Faris said, his face grim.

Previous snippets are here.

Rise of the Storm is on sale for 99 cents for one more day!

Click on the cover to buy on Amazon or read for free on Kindle Unlimited.

rise of the storm



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35 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 52- Gwynneth

  1. Great excerpt! Love that last line, that’s so perfect. And I love hearing about other writers’ favorite characters. We all have them and it’s a lot of fun to “meet” them. I bet Arian is a complicated guy, driven by many motivations.

  2. Oh oh, he does not sound like a pleasant addition to the family;). I have a feeling Count Faris is correct and the fact Arian is terrorizing people under Kendryk’s name doesn’t bode well. Another intriguing snippet!

  3. I LIKE Arian already! And I think it’s fantastic that you realized that his story was too long, had the restraint to axe him, but them found a way to write his story later. Good use of creativity, Christina!

    • He’s one of those guys you like, even though you know you shouldn’t. 🙂 I’d written a pov for Teodora as well. By the time I’d cut her and Arian, I’d lost nearly 70k words. It was painful, but I hope the book is better because of it.

  4. So glad you’re feeling better & the surgery went well? I say that with a question mark because I’m hoping it went well, anyway…. Great snippet. Hm, hopefully he’s grown up and has stopped trying to pick fights.

  5. Very strong final line! Loved this snippet. So happy you’re on the mend, Christina! Surgery is never a fun thing, but it’s great those days are behind you. *hugs gently* 🙂

  6. Sending vibes for health, so no further surgery or meds are needed!

    This is my first introduction to these characters, and I’m intrigued. I want to know why Arian is marauding, what came of the woman trouble, and all those other things I don’t know yet…

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