Get Rise of the Storm in Paperback!

It seems like I’ve been waiting forever since getting the proof copy and saying yes, please! But it’s been less than a week, with a holiday in between, so I guess that’s okay. Anyway, you can get it here on Amazon. I’ve set it up so you also get the ebook for free if you order the print version. It’s a hefty, shiny, large trade paperback, so should look nice on your bookshelf. 🙂

I’ve had a few people ask if/when they can get it in bookstores. I’m pretty sure no bookstore is going to stock this, unknown as I am, but it should be in the distribution catalogs so they can order it within the next few weeks. I’ll try to find out more about that soon and let you know when that happens.

A few have also asked about autographed copies. (Why thank you!). I hadn’t really planned on it, but there seems to be enough interest that I’ll probably order some author copies I can sign and then ship (or hand deliver when possible) for at or around the retail price. I’m still not sure about shipping costs and I’m sure that will be a big part of it.  I had hoped to get that info from my mom when she ordered a few copies, but she used Prime and got it for free, dang her efficiency. 🙂

As always, reviews and/or ratings on Amazon and Goodreads are much appreciated!

rise of the stormWhen a renegade priest prophesies an imminent apocalypse, a conflict is sparked which will tip a continent into war.

 Prince Kendryk is young, handsome and popular, his kingdom prosperous and peaceful. But in the face of the prophesied apocalypse, he must choose between conscience and power. If he chooses the side of faith, he must defy the ruthless Empress Teodora, ruler of a vast empire, imperiling kingdom and family— but if he chooses the side of power, he risks plunging his world into a darkness worse than war.

The coming conflict will touch the lives of thousands, among them…

Prince Kendryk’s adored wife, Gwynneth, the proud daughter of a king, whose ambition may come at great cost…

Braeden, a violent mercenary, commander of a legendary winged army, who will find himself in the service of an employer he must defy to protect those he holds dear…

And Janna, the merchant’s wife, forced to abandon her home and her way of life, ill-prepared to keep herself and her children safe from the ravages of war…

An epic fantasy saga drawn from real history, Rise of the Storm is Book One in the compelling new Desolate Empire series.



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13 Comments on “Get Rise of the Storm in Paperback!

    • It might be a while before I sort out the signed ones. Depending on where you are in the country, I might be able to swing by and dash off an autograph.

  1. Howdy Miss Author! Will you be finding out when the book is available to order on line through Barnes & Noble? I have a gift card from there that’s burning a hole in my pocket. NO Kindle or Nook version for me. I want the real thing, and will bring it along for you to sign the next time I see you!

      • LOL Even after taking two months to read it! That would be lovely, but I AM more than willing to pay for it. If you want to do that, then I guess I would have braggin’ rights, wouldn’t it! I knew her when she was a lowly, shot-gun riding author! 😀 Thank you. I’ll look forward to it. When do we get an update on how sales are going? Can’t wait to see how it does.

        • Actually, I think two months is pretty reasonable to critically read a book of that size. You definitely have my permission to name-drop. I’ll try to get my copies ordered soon and then make sure our route takes us through SLC before too long.

          Sales are plugging along at a few ebooks a day and a few borrows as well (it’s in kindle unlimited) I haven’t checked on print yet. I’ll probably do a little promo in early August so hopefully that will produce some newsworthy sales rankings. I’m stuck in the mid-200’s in the Alternative History category and would dearly love to crack the top 100 at some point. I’m not really promoting it though, so once everyone I know has bought a copy, I expect things to deteriorate.

          I’m really trying to focus on getting the next one done, but midsummer allergies are very unhelpful right now!

          • They are awful here this year, too. We didn’t get enough of a winter to kill the allergens off and with the wet, wet, WET spring (and we’re STILL getting some thunderstorms which is amazing for Utah) allergens are running rampant.

            So how are Ben and the “children?” 😀 I assume you guys are keeping plenty busy?

          • I think the weather has a lot to do with it. Usually I get a reprieve after mid-June, depending on the part of the country.

            We’ve been really busy! I’m trying to get in to see a specialist about my sinuses in Idaho, and it’s been hard to get an appointment both I and the doctor can make.

            Everyone’s doing pretty well. We had a scare last week when Nash (black kitty) knocked a pot of boiling water over and splashed himself. The noise and mess scared the crap out of everyone, but that was the worst of it. He has a few small singed spots to show for it, but that’s all. Sometimes it’s like having toddlers!

          • LMBO! Oh, they are WORSE than toddlers! Be they cats or dogs! (Or guinea pigs or rabbits or lamas or racoons… 😀 ) Nothing makes one more a true parent than PETS because they NEVER become self-sufficient. You’ll notice I’m saying that with a straight face even though I have a 36-year-old at home! 😀

          • Haha- very true! Although I must say our other cat is downright responsible (for a cat). He’s very cautious, follows the rules, looks before he leaps and tattles on Nash if he’s doing anything wrong. He’s definitely MY cat, lol.

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