Campers Unite!

Camp-Participant-2015-Twitter-ProfileThe two sides of my brain discussed it thoroughly and have agreed that Camp NaNoWriMo is a must for me this April. There is no question I get the most writing done during NaNoWriMo events and I really need to get some writing done.

March has been kind of a bust in terms of making progress on Valley of the Shadow. I’m at 63,500 words out of a projected 150,000. I collapsed just a wee bit after editing the last one and have had a few health issues to deal with as well. Nothing serious- just annoying. My original plan was to finish Valley of the Shadow by April 15 and dive right into the third book, which is now properly percolating in my brain.  But with so few days left in March, I think I should be happy to finish one book in the month of April.

So I’ve set a goal of 75,000 words. That should get me close to, or through the end and it’s a a barely manageable goal. After pulling off 90K words during July Camp, I decided that was too much. I tried for 75K in November and managed just over 72, which made me pretty happy. That included taking a few days off between the end of book one and the beginning of book two, so I could compose a rudimentary outline. So if I work on just one book, 75 should be doable.

This time, I’m in a cabin with friends, which is sure to be fun. So far, it’s just Sarah W and Tina Christopher from Weekend Writing Warriors, but any of y’all who want to join are more than welcome. Just let me know your NaNoWriMo username in the comments and I’ll get you an invitation. Hope to see you there!

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12 Comments on “Campers Unite!

  1. 75.000 words? That’s a huge goal! Mine is only 24.000. I haven’t written for a month and need to get back in the routine. My NaNo-name is Wurzelkind08 and i’d love to be in your cabin 🙂

    • Well, I write pretty fast and I’m following a pretty detailed plan at this point. I haven’t done too well at sticking to it, but maybe if I speed up, I’ll be forced to behave.

      I’ll get you an invite. It will probably come from Sarah W.

    • No, it’s a virtual cabin in a virtual camp, although they’ve made the whole site look kind of woodsy. You should check it out- you can set your own goal. Though I probably shouldn’t encourage you to do anything besides read.

      • LOL 🙂 Probably not. I don’t multitask well! (You’d laugh if you knew where my mind went with that cabin stuff. “How’s Ben gonna get back there to get her???) LOL

        • Man, if I could do this in a real cabin in the real woods, Ben would just have to find a way. The truck is built for off-roading, so you never know!

  2. This is going to be my first Camp NaNo. I originally was going to start my fourth Russian historical, but I quickly realized that would be a recipe for fast burnout so close on the heels of finally finishing the third volume. Particularly since I’m also doing A to Z. I’ll be using the month to do my final edits and revisions on my chronological first Atlantic City book, which is under 58,000 words. After an 891K saga, something that short is beyond a relief!

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