I did it! (a few days ago)

This is actually kind of old news, but my fingers couldn’t type anymore and then Thanksgiving (and Catching Fire) got in the way.

I got to 50K around 11 am on the 26th!

It was kind of insane. I started around 2 am with @NaNoWordSprints on Twitter, and just kept plugging away until I was done some 9 hours later. It was something like 13,000 words in one sitting. I really enjoyed it! I learned I can easily write 2500 words in an hour, and totally fake my way through complicated battle scenes. So gross and gory! So much fun!

My husband had given me one of those gigantic Reese’s cups and I had lots of coffee, so that combination powered me through.

The thing is, ugh, I’m not done! Well, we already knew that. But, I mean, I didn’t even do my outline thing to the end. So, I have tonight and tomorrow to do that. I don’t know how many more words it will take, but I still have several characters I need to, er, dispose of.

I’m not entirely sure where to end it, since all surviving characters will more or less advance to the next book. I guess that’s something I can figure out later, if I have to.  So, it’s back to the grindstone for the next day or so, after which I will have to pick up the dangling threads of my real life again.

I plan to keep working on this, though. Other people can write more than one book at a time, so why can’t I? I’m just slightly lazier than the average over-achiever, so I should be fine.

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