Postcrastination and a Pep Talk to Myself

photo credit: Lívia Cristina via photopin cc
photo credit: Lívia Cristina via photopin cc

I haven’t done much on this blog because I am editing like a maniac. Right now I feel like a tiny snowplow pushing the results of the whole East Coast Storm in front of me. I did hit the quarter mark today, which gives me cause for a small celebration, as long as I don’t think in terms of 75 percent left to go- which I do.

Still, it’s going well even though it’s slow. A couple of beta readers have requested a few chapters at a time, so I’ve been getting some feedback as I go and that’s been both encouraging and helpful. There might be some mistakes I can nip in the bud.

I’ve been taking short breaks every day to get this blog fixed up after the move- mostly editing hyperlinks and such. I got to the end of the posts today and saw one that I’d written a year ago. Frankly, I was shocked. One year ago, I was still hammering out the concept and writing character profiles. I hadn’t even started on my second first draft. So I’ve been working on this incarnation of my book for less than a year. Looking at it that way, it’s not so bad.

Even after I finally got started, I made so many mistakes and constantly second-guessed myself. I think I cut nearly as many words as I wrote. Seen that way, it’s amazing that I’m just weeks away from having a pretty clean manuscript that won’t be harmful to my beta readers. That makes me pretty happy!

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12 Comments on “Postcrastination and a Pep Talk to Myself

  1. Writing a book in one year is quite the accomplishment 😀 When I first started writing fanfic, I think I wrote 100,000 words in the first year, and then in the next four I wrote 100,000 more XD I took several hiatuses after that first year. . . My fanfic novel was only 2/3 of the way finished too. I didn’t know at the time that novels aren’t supposed to be that long :$ I came a long way in those five years though. I look back on it and I’m proud of it ^^ It’s a good feeling 🙂

    • That’s a lot of words! But my novel is around 150K right now, and I’ve cut a good 15k in this editing pass. That doesn’t include the 70K I cut last year when I removed two pov’s. Yikes! I guess I like to write a lot of words, then delete them. 🙂

      I thought fanfics can be as long as you want. I’m beta-reading one that’s around 180K and still unfinished. All that writing is great practice, though. That’s how you learn.

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