Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 102- More Winter of the Wolf

wewriwa2It’s time for Weekend Writing Warriors! Every Sunday, a bunch of writers post 8-10-sentence snippets from their WIPs on their blogs. There’s a lot of reading, commenting and great writing. Click on the link to see the full list.

Winter of the Wolf is off to beta readers! Whew! So it only seems right that I continue with a little teaser. Last week, 12-year-old Duke Devyn Bernotas was acting like a real brat. Braeden had him join the hunt for the deadly Daciana Tomescu, but there was no extra horse for him, so he had to double up with Trisa Torresia, Braeden’s best friend’s daughter, and his most trusted officer. Days later, there’s still no sign of Tomescu and Braeden can see Devyn is feeling down, so he goes over to talk to him while they’re taking a break. Some creative punctuation.

Devyn looked up at Braeden anxiously. “I’m not slowing you down, am I? It seemed like such a good idea—going along with you—but now I’m not sure; I hope I didn’t do the wrong thing.”

“It’s all right,” Braeden said, clapping him on the shoulder, realizing that all of Devyn’s bravado earlier had been just that. “When I was your age I would have done the same; it’s hard to stay put when there’s fun to be had.”

“I hope it’ll be fun, though I pictured it all rather differently. I thought I’d have my own horse and we’d go galloping through the forest, as if we were on a hunt.”

Braeden had to smile at that, “Well, this is a hunt all right, but our quarry is a bit more dangerous than a stag. If we see her, I want you to stay with Lieutenant Torresia, no matter what; can you promise me that?”

Devyn nodded, “she’s all right for a commoner, isn’t she?”

By the end of this book, Devyn’s attitude toward “commoners” will have undergone a radical shift.

Previous snippets are here.

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53 Comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Snippet 102- More Winter of the Wolf

  1. Loved how you were really able to encompass what a younger boy would have been picturing when thinking of the adventure of the hunt (vs reality). Looking forward to where this is going!

  2. Like us all he has more than one side to him. And he is only twelve after all. Kids are only brats if they are brought up to be like that. I’m sure the experiences of riding with Braeden will make him grow up a bit. Good snippet.

    • Very true! His parents are pretty down to earth for a prince and princess. Devyn gets most of his snobbishness from everyone else kowtowing to him. Braeden won’t though, which makes him a good influence.

  3. Yay! Another snippet with Braeden & Devyn. It seems like he still has a lot to learn but he is only 12. So that’s to be expected. XD …Great snippet!

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