Rise of the Storm is Free Everywhere!

rise of the stormIf you’ve visited my blog in the past few days, you might have noticed a few changes. I just realized I publicized those changes everywhere but here. So this is what’s going on: I recently pulled Rise of the Storm out of KDP Select, which means I can now make it available on other retailers as well. After a bit of wrangling with Amazon, I also made it free everywhere. So when you type in my website, you’ll see this rather different home page. Clicking on the button will take you to a page where you can select the retailer of your choice and get a free copy. To make it super easy I’ll put all of the main choices here as well. It’s also available on Scribd, if you’ve got a subscription.


I’ve been taking Nick Stephenson’s ebook marketing course and this is part of a long-term strategy he teaches. So far, it’s going amazingly well. In just the past few days, I’ve had 200-300 daily downloads on Amazon alone, catapulting Rise of the Storm into the the top ten of the historical and epic fantasy free lists. This leads to a steady trickle of mailing list sign-ups and so far, pretty good sell-through to Valley of the Shadow. So go ahead and grab your own copy!


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