13 Comments on “Cover Reveal: Valley of the Shadow

      • I’m not sure I ever really considered how young they were until Gywnneth talked about her age in the part with King Lennart. And around about that same place I think Kendryk mentioned he was 22? I was taken by surprise.

        • Yeah, Kendryk is only 24 by the end of the book and Gwynneth a year or so older. I think their real-life counterparts were around the same age when it all went down. Don’t leave the kids unsupervised- they might start a war! 😳

          • That blows my mind. Especially when you think it’s usually the older folks set in their ways that cause all this kind of trouble. I guess that may be a misconception!!!

          • Well, it’s generally unusual for very young people to have the kind of power required to cause trouble on a larger scale. Even in hereditary systems there was usually a regent who wielded the real power, often well after the young ruler came of age. Frederick/Kendryk was unusual in that he overthrew his own regent when he was 15. That should have been a sign that he was going to be a troublemaker! πŸ˜€

    • Thank you! This is the same designer I used on my first book, and I plan to use her forever- at least until she retires, or I can afford original art. πŸ™‚

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