It’s camping time again!

camp nanowrimoCamp NaNoWriMo starts Wednesday, and our totally awesome cabin still has three spaces available. We have a lot of the same folks from April, when every single person in the cabin met her goal.  These are some serious writers; just being around them makes me feel motivated, and it doesn’t hurt that everyone is so positive and supportive. It’s the perfect environment for getting things done.

If you’re familiar with NaNoWriMo, Camp is a slightly softer version. Rather than being forced to commit to 50,000 words or go home, you can choose any goal you like, starting with 10,000 (less than 500 words per day). You can work on any kind of project you like, and if you don’t want to write, you can edit. One hour of editing = 1000 words.

Unlike NaNoWriMo, you are assigned to cabins with 11 other writers, can choose to create one, or be invited to one. I did it once with strangers, and being invited was so much nicer. Even if you don’t know anyone else in the cabin (besides me) it’s a welcoming place.

So, shoot me an email, tweet me on twitter (@therollinwriter), or leave a comment below and I’ll send you an invitation.

I have big plans for July. The first draft of Valley of the Shadow remains incomplete because I learned again that I can’t write and edit at the same time. So now that Rise of the Storm is done and ready for release, I can focus on the sequel. I think I’m about 80 percent done, but have a very complex ending to work out, so it might take more words than I expect. I set a goal of 60,000 words, though I hope it won’t take that many. If I finish mid-month, I’ll jump right into editing. I really want this to be ready for publication early next year!

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