Camp Update

Hey, it’s already been a week since Camp NaNoWriMo started. I’ve surprised everyone, including myself, by religiously writing 3000 words a day, no matter what. So far, the main challenge has been getting started. Once I do, it’s been going very easily. One time, the getting started part was so difficult, I didn’t manage it until 3 a.m., but I figure that anything I get done before sunrise counts.

campSo, as of this morning, I’ve written 21,185 words, and am on the verge of finishing Chapter 12. One thing that’s helped me a lot is #NaNoWordsprints on Twitter. I was so proud of myself for managing 1200 words in 30 minutes, until I saw that several others had done more. That triggered my competitive nature, so I wrote even faster. Yesterday, 3000 words happened in exactly 66 minutes.

How’s the quality? I’m sure you’re wondering. Well, it varies. But it seems that, even when I write slowly, my first draft is going to be crap. No matter how carefully I choose each word, I will want to choose different words later. So, I might as well get the first round done fast, right?

And since I absolutely love editing, it’s all good. In fact, my “treat” for getting my 3000 words done is that I get to edit previous chapters for as long as I’d like. I should probably see a therapist about living dangerously.

So far, I have nearly 65,000 words in my twelve chapters. But, if I edit aggressively, -and I do- I’ll probably cut at least 1000 words per chapter. No adverb is safe! *eyes aggressively above threateningly*

When all is said and done, I will still provide hours and hours for your reading pleasure.

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